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Best Practice Solutions for the Municipal Security Lifecycle
Easy to integrate. Easy to use.

Designed for professionals in the municipal bond market, each DPC DATA product offers best practices in a streamlined package.
Hundreds of thousands of muni dealers, advisors, analysts, and asset managers use our solutions to assess credit quality, improve their workflow and reduce their risk, while maintaining auditable policies and practices that stand up to regulatory scrutiny.
DPC DATA products are integrated into trading and portfolio management applications, as well as available through corporate web portals and intranets. Top-tier and regional dealers have integrated DPC DATA solutions into their proprietary applications in a matter of weeks.
The foundation of our products is the proprietary DPC DATA database, which includes Obligor and Issuer information extending back to 1992. In contrast, EMMA includes only Issuer information from 2009 onward.

MuniCREDIT Solutions give traders, portfolio managers and broker dealers the competitive edge with scrubbed, actionable muni bond data

This municipal data breakthrough gives market participants climate risk scoring for local governments and school districts.

Easy-to-read official statement summaries for retail and institutional point-of-sale

Compilation of an issuer’s disclosure requirement to assist in determining their obligations

One-click access to all muni bond disclosure filing documents

Targeted regional & national news about Issuers and Obligors

Intra-day feed tracking all official disclosure filings, including Material Event notices and Continuing Disclosures

Ready access to critical disclosure information, new developments, and media news by CUSIP®

Your one-stop shop for consistent, reliable financial and operating data for the active Municipal Market MuniCREDIT Financials solves four major Muni data problems We know a consistent, reliable source of financial and operating data has been missing for the full, active Muni Market. We created MuniCREDIT Financials because our underwriter and portfolio management clients needed […]

DPC DATA’s Proprietary Obligor & Sector Mapping System for Municipals is accurate, efficient and cost-effective

Municipal Financial Data: On-Demand. Comprehensive. Simple. Get quick and easy access to DPC’s extensive database Need ready access to financial and operating data for municipals but don’t need to integrate the data into in-house or proprietary analysis tools? Then MuniCREDIT Online may be the solution for you. Part of our MuniCREDIT Solutions portfolio, MuniCREDIT Online […]

Comprehensive financial and operating data for the charter school sector available via MuniCREDIT Solutions
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